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SiFu Why Do You Have Seminars?

May 31st, 2012

Sifu Doc Savage has been teaching wing chun seminars/workshops since 1990. In roughly 2001 his Disciples as well as fellow students inquired about the rationale for teaching seminars/workshops.  The following serves as Sifu Doc Savage’s simple and yet profound answer.


SiFu why do you have seminars? Don’t we learn from the instructors the same thing you have taught them?


To answer your question simply….

1. The seminars bring people of like minds together in a relaxed atmosphere to learn and share their experiences.

2. Seminars let you train with students of all levels and years of training.

3. To have your questions answered from the source and to verify the that the lessons are on track with the principles of Shadowhand Wing Chun.  My Instructors are trained by me and have been given the tools to impart the knowledge to their students. When you are here I check for the details and show you how the Rules of Wing Chun, The Rules of Fighting and the Rules of Chi Sao tie together the Forms and Drills.

4. I teach you how to move as a unit: Body, Mind and Spirit.

The time and energy you invest at seminars will reduce the chance of failure in the street.

I have been teaching and training for many years now and have discovered that NO ONE has left a seminar disappointed in the information and or the training they have received.

SiFu Doc Savage

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